Hurt on My Friend’s Property, Can I Sue?

You are invited to a party at your friend’s house, and when you arrive, you slip and fall on an electrical cord that is running across the walkway, chipping your tooth and seriously injuring your face. You end up having to get dental surgery and stitches for the injuries on your face. Your doctor tells you that you will have a serious scar and that you will need plastic surgery to fix it. Your medical bills could cost thousands of dollars.

Woman in glasses having a serious conversation on the phone.Can You Sue Your Friend for Damages?

It depends on the circumstances of your case and whether your friend was negligent or has some other liability. However, if the question is simply can you sue a neighbor, friend or acquaintance in the same way you can sue a business for injuries you sustain as a result of their negligence, the answer is yes.
Personal property owners are not subject to the same liability as business owners, so it may be a bit more difficult to pursue a claim in some instances.

However, the law still protects you if you are injured, no matter who owns the property in question.

But Should I Sue My Friend?

In most cases, people are more worried about whether they should sue a friend or acquaintance rather than whether they can.

If you are injured on your friend or neighbor’s property, you may face thousands of dollars in medical bills, lost time from work, or even permanent disability.

If you do not seek the compensation to which you are legally entitled, you will have to pay these expenses yourself and you could even face the loss of your ability to care for yourself and your family if you become unable to work.

In most cases, you will be suing your friend or neighbor in name only — their homeowner’s insurance company actually provides the defense and pays any settlement or judgment. Your friend buys this insurance for this very reason — protection against financial liability.

The majority of personal injury cases are settled before they go to court. In most cases, your friend will never have to pay a dime directly and will never have to appear in court. You can get the compensation to which you are entitled under the law, and you can preserve your relationship with your friend.

Were you injured on another’s property?
Call us today at 1-866-900-7078 for a free case evaluation.


North Carolina Personal Injury Lawyers & South Carolina Personal Injury Lawyers

Every case is different, and a North Carolina personal injury attorney or a South Carolina personal injury attorney can help you determine what the factors are in your case that may influence your legal rights. If you have been injured on a friend’s property or in a place of business, the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin can help you. Call 1-866-900-7078 for a free evaluation of your case.

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About the Author

Jennie R. Glish practices personal injury law in North Carolina at the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin. She was honored on the “Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch” list for Personal Injury Litigation – Plaintiffs by Best Lawyers in America for 2021-2024.4 She additionally has experience working with the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. Jennie is a member of the North Carolina Bar Association and North Carolina Advocates for Justice.
