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This may be the last form you have to fill out alone for your workers’ comp case.

Fill in the fields below to request a free case evaluation. Someone from our team will call you.

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Disclaimer: Submission of any information to does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. Our
attorneys are licensed to practice law in North and South Carolina.

Talk to someone, right now, about your workers’ comp injury.

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North Carolina

What is a free case evaluation from James Scott Farrin and how does it work?

Our free case evaluation is an informative and detailed discussion of your injury and your circumstances as a result. We will ask questions, but every question has a purpose. Once we know the specifics of your injury, one of our dedicated attorneys will evaluate your case.

If we believe we can help you, we’ll explain how and, if you agree, we’ll get started. Our goal is to get you as much as possible as quickly as possible. If we do not believe we can increase the end value of your case, we’ll tell you so.

Shed some of your stress and anxiety with straight answers. We’re waiting to speak with you.


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