A Social Security Disability Legal Team With Experience and Heart
Disability is never the plan. No one goes into life thinking they’re going to end up disabled and unable to work or even care for themselves. The Social Security Administration helps by providing income and benefits to those who qualify, but getting those benefits isn’t easy.
And that’s why we’re here.
Many Qualifying Disabilities, One Firm to Help With Them All
No matter what caused your disability – a car accident, a workplace injury, or simply failing health, among many other causes – the help that Social Security Disability offers could make an enormous difference in your quality of life. They are benefits worth fighting for.
The Law Offices of James Scott Farrin has helped thousands of injured North Carolinians, and our teams are adept at working together on different aspects of our clients’ claims when needed. Our Social Security, auto accident, workers’ compensation, personal injury, and product liability attorneys and professional staff recognize opportunities and can cooperatively fight on your behalf if necessary. In particularly complicated cases like car and work injuries, or any situation that leaves a person permanently disabled, it’s not uncommon for us to coordinate those cases and represent all aspects of them.
We Fight for the North Carolina Social Security Disability Benefits to Which You May Be Entitled
We take pride in representing each and every client, particularly in light of North Carolina’s lengthy Social Security Disability hearing wait times and long history of case denials. With an average hearing wait time of more than 21 months, North Carolina’s Social Security Disability offices have some of the longest wait times in the country.
As if waiting all that time isn’t bad enough, once claimants finally get an initial hearing, more than two-thirds are denied. And more than 85% of those filing a second time are denied!
That doesn’t stop us from persevering and trying to get our clients what they may deserve in our efforts to help ease their financial burdens. Don’t just take no for an answer. Fight for the benefits you may deserve.
A Social Security Disability Team With Experience, Compassion, and Dedication
We know from firsthand, inside experience how the system works, what they look for to accept a claim, the importance of filing the correct forms and meeting strict deadlines, and what medical records to present. How? Several members of our team have prior Social Security Disability experience working inside the Social Security Administration.
Meet the Attorneys
Rick Fleming is a firm Partner and head of our Social Security Disability department. He is a North Carolina State Bar Board Certified Specialist in Social Security Disability law – a claim less than 45 out of more than 33,137 attorneys licensed to practice in North Carolina can make.5
He is also a board member and the Past President of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR). NOSSCR is a dedicated bar association for those who represent the disabled for Social Security Disability benefits. It advocates for improvements in Social Security Disability programs and tries to ensure that the disabled have access to top-notch representation.
“NOSSCR works for all sides—the disabled, their attorneys, and the adjudicators. Its intention is to keep the system fair and accessible. Social Security is a proven anti-poverty program that has laid the foundation for millions of American families, not just a fortunate few. NOSSCR provides the leadership and the tools that help attorneys provide high quality representation.” – Rick Fleming
Rick is fluent in Spanish and takes pride in representing North Carolina’s Hispanic/Latino community – a culture he admires. Rick is admitted to the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Court of Appeals, and the U.S. district courts for the Eastern and Middle Districts of North Carolina. As a past chair of the NC State Bar’s Social Security Disability Law Specialty Committee and an active member of many other advocacy organizations, he is a tireless advocate for our clients and others outside our offices whose voices may otherwise go unheard. In 2025, Rick was named by Best Lawyers in America to its “Best Lawyers” list for Appellate Practice.4
Jarvis Harris is a seasoned and compassionate attorney with 25+ years of experience fighting for the rights of North Carolinians on Social Security Disability, workers’ compensation, and personal injury cases. He has also been asked to share his knowledge of Social Security Disability law with other attorneys.
Jennifer Taylor has a strong background in representing and advocating for low-income and disabled clients. She has worked in the Social Security Disability field for many years and was formerly North Carolina State Bar Board Certified as a Social Security Disability Specialist. Jennifer is also a former Chair of the Disability Advocacy Section of the NC Advocates for Justice. She has taught and planned many continuing legal education seminars in the field of Social Security Disability law.
Paralegal and Administrative Leaders
Kevin Midkiff
Before coming to the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin, Kevin spent six years as a Disability Determination Services examiner for the Social Security Administration, rising to Level II. As a Level II examiner, he not only determined the merits of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) initial applications, but was also active in the reconsideration process and in conducting continuing disability reviews.
As a paralegal who works directly with our Social Security Disability clients, Kevin is now using his prior knowledge to try to help clients get the benefits they may deserve.
“Our attorneys and our entire Social Security Disability team, in general, have a lot of experience not only in the legal arena but within Social Security itself. Most of the folks we deal with are hardworking people who, whether from an illness or injury, can’t work anymore, and just don’t know how to advocate for themselves. What layperson would? The system can be very complicated and cumbersome, and you need experienced people to advocate on your behalf. I know. I’ve been on the other side.”
Kevin holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree in English from North Carolina State University.
Amy Casey
Amy has worked exclusively as a Social Security Disability paralegal for nearly 20 years. Prior to that, she was a Social Security Disability Determination Services Examiner. Part of that time was spent as a Single Decision Maker Examiner – a person with authority to make medical determinations on certain cases without the review or signature of a medical consultant, such as a doctor.
After seeing the bureaucracy involved in making some Disability determinations, she decided her knowledge and skills would better serve those seeking Social Security Disability benefits on the other side as a legal representative.
“I felt that the focus at Disability Determination Services was too numbers-driven, and it seemed more important to the Social Security Administration to make quick determinations – sometimes without having all the facts. As an experienced paralegal, I try to make sure that we provide as detailed information as possible on behalf of our clients so that the determiners can do the best job possible processing their claims.”
Amy finds that many formerly hopeless clients regain encouragement once she explains what the process entails and reassures them that they have the Farrin Social Security Disability team working to try to make their claim successful. She holds a BA in Criminal Justice from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
India Streeter
Since joining James Scott Farrin, India has held various roles of increased responsibility, including Administrative Case Manager, while pursuing her education. Now, as a paralegal, she helps clients navigate the difficult and confusing processes of pursuing needed Social Security Disability benefits.
Clients often come to us confused and frustrated. They depend on us to be knowledgeable and confident, and I am proud to do just that. I appreciate being a part of a team dedicated to advocating for those who need help when they are most vulnerable.
Claudia Ayala Garcia
Claudia is our Administrative Case Manager and . She works with the team and our clients to ensure cases get up and running and that evidence/medical records are requested promptly. She supports the team in countless ways each day, always striving to provide clients with the highest quality of service.
Call the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin and Tell Them You Mean Business
The Social Security Administration has its own agenda. While they’re providing necessary benefits to people in need, they do not necessarily make it easy, simple, or convenient to obtain those benefits. If you’re having trouble claiming Social Security Disability benefits that you believe you deserve, we may be able to help!
Call us any time 24/7 at 866-900-7078, or you can chat with us or contact us online. We’re happy to evaluate your case at no charge, and we’ll tell you whether or not we believe we can help you. Don’t hesitate – the Social Security Administration makes people wait long enough as it is!
5 Figures provided by NC State Bar as of 1/24.