Rick Fleming Re-Elected to NOSSCR

James Scott Farrin Social Security Disability Attorney Rick Fleming was recently re-elected to the Board of Directors of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives. Fleming is based in Durham, N.C. and will represent the Fourth Circuit and the D.C. Circuit.

James Scott Farrin Social Security Disability Attorney Rick Fleming was re-elected to the Board of Directors of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR) for a third term. Members elected him to represent the Fourth and D.C. Circuits.

“The NOSSCR is a highly valuable organization that advocates to improve the disability determination and adjudication process. It has been my honor to serve alongside others in this worthwhile organization, and I look forward to rolling up my sleeves again this year in an effort to offer meaningful contributions to the organization and ultimately to the claimants who depend on us,” Fleming said.

Fleming, who is also a James Scott Farrin partner, is a North Carolina Board Certified Specialist in Social Security Disability Law. Out of the 28,000 licensed North Carolina lawyers, only 51 can make that claim*. He is also vice chair of the N.C. State Bar’s Social Security Disability Law Specialty Committee.

Fleming is fluent in Spanish and has often provided commentary on legal topics at various Latino/Hispanic events and radio programs, and he is an active member of the Disability Advocacy Section of the North Carolina Advocates for Justice, another legal advocacy organization.

The NOSSCR is an association of over 4,000 attorneys and advocates who represent Social Security and Supplemental Security Income claimants. Its members are dedicated to providing legal representation for claimants and advocating for changes in the system as needed to provide legal justice.

Figures provided by the N.C. State Bar as of December 31, 2015.
