Need a Personal Injury Lawyer in Greenville, NC?
Were you hurt by someone else’s negligence? Injured through no fault of your own? Don’t just suffer the pain, the medical bills, the missed work, and the lost wages. You may be entitled to compensation from the negligent party, and a personal injury lawyer in Greenville, NC can help you seek it.
Do not hesitate to call us, any time, at 1-866-900-7078 or contact us online for a free case evaluation. Many people don’t know or believe they have a case, and vice versa. Personal injury is a broad classification of law and includes many things you may not have considered.
What Cases Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Handle?
A “personal injury” can be defined as an injury you suffer through no fault of your own due to someone else’s negligence or recklessness. Auto wreck injuries are possibly the most common form, when another driver causes a crash in which you suffer an injury.
There are many more types of personal injury cases, however.
- Motorcycle, trucking, pedestrian, and boating injuries – No matter what vehicle you are on, in, or around, you could be injured in a crash that’s someone else’s fault.
- Crime victims – You could have a case against someone who injured you during a criminal act.
- Dog bites – Irresponsible dog owners may be liable for your injury from a dog bite.
- Electrocution – If you are injured by electrocution from negligent workmanship or maintenance, you may be entitled to compensation.
- Sexual abuse or assault – If you’re the victim of sexual abuse or assault, you may seek compensation from the offender regardless of a criminal case.
- Wrongful death – If you have lost a loved one as a result of someone’s carelessness or neglect of their duty to act, you may have a case for compensation.
There are many more. Just because your exact injury is not on this list does not mean you don’t have a case. Call us at 1-866-900-7078 if you’re hurt, and we’ll evaluate your situation.
What Kinds of Damages Can I Seek in a Personal Injury Case?
“Damages” are the harms and losses you suffer due to someone else’s negligent or reckless actions. What you can seek depends on the circumstances of your case and what you can prove the defendant liable for. In North Carolina, there are three types of damages:
- Economic Damages – These are financial losses you’ve suffered due to being injured. Medical bills, lost wages, therapy bills, and expenses incurred as a result of your injury are examples.
- Non-economic Damages – These are things that you may not be able to put a price on, but are still harms and losses you’ve suffered. They include things like harm to your spousal or familial relationships, pain, suffering, mental anguish, and decreased quality of life and enjoyment.
NOTE: Economic and non-economic damages are both a form of potential “compensatory damages,” meaning you are being compensated for your harms and losses.
- Punitive damages – In rare cases, a court or jury may award punitive damages because the person who harmed you knowingly acted wrongfully or reprehensibly. Punitive damages are not compensatory – they’re intended to punish!
Is Hiring a Greenville Personal Injury Attorney Worth It?
Every case is different and must stand on its own merits. What we can say is that it is worth consulting a personal injury attorney as soon as possible after your injury. We can evaluate the facts and tell you, based on our experience and the law, whether or not we can fight for you. A case evaluation costs you nothing.
If we believe you have a case and that we can help you, we’ll tell you so. We’re ready to fight for you against any insurance company who may be standing between you and the compensation you may deserve.
What Is a Good Settlement in a Personal Injury Case?
In general, a fair settlement makes you whole, taking into account all past, present, and future harms and losses you may suffer as a result of your injury. Let’s break that down:
- “makes you whole” – This means that, when all is said and done, your injury has not cost you anything financially in the final analysis. Things like medical bills have been covered or you’ve been reimbursed for them, for example.
- “past, present, and future” – Just because you’re feeling better doesn’t mean you won’t suffer consequences from your injury in the future. Instead of dragging the case on for years, a fair potential settlement takes into account future medical expenses you may incur and compensates you right now for those future bills.
- “harms and losses” – These are the damages discussed above, and not all of them have a handy price tag or invoice. A fair settlement should compensate you for the non-economic damages as well as the economic ones.
Note, however, that while your personal injury lawyer in Greenville will work hard to seek as much compensation as possible as quickly as possible, you are the ultimate arbiter of what’s fair. It’s your case, not ours.
Contact Our Seasoned Personal Injury Attorneys in Greenville, NC
Our experienced, recognized attorneys and dedicated, caring staff are ready to fight for your best interests. We pride ourselves on excellent client communication and aggressive representation. Since 1997, we’ve helped more than 73,000 clients and recovered more than $2 billion in total compensation for them.1
Call us any time, 24/7, at 1-866-900-7078 or contact us online right now. If you prefer, you can schedule an in-person appointment at our Greenville, NC office. Don’t hesitate, tell them you mean business!
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