Sexual abuse or assault victim in North Carolina? Seek all of the compensation you may be owed.

Criminal court is just one way to fight back. You may also be entitled to significant compensation for the harm you’ve suffered.

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Lawyers Fighting for Victims of Sexual Abuse and Assault in North Carolina

Being the victim of a sexual assault or sexual abuse is traumatic in ways most people cannot understand. According to the North Carolina Department of Administration, thousands of people receive sexual assault support services through its Council for Women and Youth Involvement each year.

If you’ve been sexually abused or assaulted, you do not have to face things alone.

In addition to pursuing justice through the criminal justice system, you can pursue justice and compensation through the civil justice system with the help of a personal injury lawyer.

For help with your case, call 1-866-900-7078 or contact us online today.

What Is Sexual Abuse?

Sexual abuse is undesired sexual encounter with another person and can include:

  • Sexual contact
  • Sexual or inappropriate requests
  • Inappropriate photos or videos
  • Forced viewing of pornographic photos or videos

These are usually criminal offenses, but you may also be able to seek relief in civil court.

What Is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the consent of the recipient and can include:

  • Unwanted groping, fondling, or sexual battery
  • Unwanted or unlawful sexual intercourse
  • Coercion of the victim to perform sexual acts on the perpetrator
  • Sexual activity with someone who is unable to consent due to impaired consciousness, generally caused by drugs, drunkenness, or various medications
  • Sexual activity with someone who is too young to consent

Remember, even if you initially consent to sexual contact, you can withdraw it at any point.

If you or a loved one are the victim of sexual assault or abuse please call law enforcement immediately. You may also choose to pursue a civil action for financial compensation.

What Is Childhood Sexual Abuse?

Childhood sexual abuse refers to a sexual act that occurs between an adult and a child, including:

  • Exhibitionism
  • Sexual videos, games, pictures, or other images
  • Forced viewing of pornographic photos or videos
  • Other lewd behavior

Children are especially vulnerable. When someone takes advantage of a child, it is often from a position of authority.

As a parent or guardian, you can sue on behalf of your child to seek justice, accountability, and maximum compensation for the harm that was done.

How Can a Lawyer Help Me in North Carolina?

No matter what happens or what you choose to do regarding your criminal case, you can still seek financial compensation for the harms you may have endured. For example, you may sue the person who abused or assaulted you or you might consider a case against a company that allowed you to come to harm due to their negligence – like an employer who failed to do a proper background check on an employee who then hurt you.

For a free professional review of your case, some answers to your questions, and recommendations on what to do next, call 1-866-900-7078 or contact us online today.

What Kinds of Sexual Conduct Can I Sue For in North Carolina?

In North Carolina, any nonconsensual sexual act that does you harm could be grounds for a lawsuit and significant compensation, including:

  • Rape
  • Sexual abuse (regardless of age)
  • Sexual assault and/or battery
  • Attempted sexual assault or rape that caused you harm

What Kind of Harm Do Victims of Nonconsensual Sex Acts Suffer?

Common forms of harm and injuries from sexual abuse and assault include:

Physical Harm – Your body may be injured, violated, or otherwise harmed

Mental or Emotional Harm – Are you having trouble sleeping? Suffering symptoms of depression? Victims of sexual crimes often suffer from PTSD, emotional distress, and pain and suffering

Financial Harm – Did you have to pay for therapy, find a new job, or move? You may be owed significant compensation for these and other damages

Sadly, abusers of all kinds are often people who the victim knows and trusts.

What Compensation Can I Seek if I Was the Victim of a Sexual Crime?

Our North Carolina attorneys can help you seek compensation for these and other damages:

  • Medical bills, including therapy
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress and trauma
  • Financial hardships resulting from the harm
  • Punitive damages in some cases, which can be significant

Where Does Sexual Abuse, Assault, and Rape Happen?

Unfortunately, these horrific acts can happen anywhere. It may happen at a party on your campus. Or someone may leverage their authority over you at work to abuse, assault, rape, or harass you. Wherever and however it happens, it is inexcusable.

What Is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other unwanted verbal comments or physical contact of a sexual nature. This type of harassment can range from remarks, gestures, and jokes to overt actions such as indecent exposure, touching, and grabbing. These behaviors often leave victims with feelings of fear, anxiety, and dread.

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Workplace harassment can include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Workplace harassment may be a violation of your civil rights and can occur in two ways:

  • Quid pro quo harassment occurs when submission to, or rejection of, sexual harassment is used as the basis for employment decisions. For example, you get fired for refusing to have sex with your boss.
  • A hostile environment may be created when an employee is subjected to comments of a sexual nature, offensive sexual materials, or unwelcome physical contact as a regular part of the work environment.

Sexual Abuse at Church

Clergy abuse occurs when sexual abuse is perpetrated by a priest or other religious appointee. Many victims of clergy abuse are minors, between the ages of 13 and 17, but anyone can be a victim. There have been many scandals involving the church and no denomination or specific religion is immune to the possibility.

Sexual Abuse by Counselors and Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare professionals, such as doctors, psychologists, massage therapists, and chiropractors, are governed by rules of professional conduct that require them to observe boundaries between themselves and their patients.

Despite these rules, claims against healthcare professionals are common, including:

  • Assault and battery
  • Intentional or negligent infliction of emotional distress
  • Negligent hiring and supervision

Title IX & Campus Sexual Assault

Colleges and universities have the responsibility to protect their students, and students should feel safe on their campuses. Unfortunately, more than 10% of university students experience sexual violence during college.

Title IX was enacted to help protect people from sex-based discrimination, including sexual harassment, in education or activities that receive federal funds. It generally applies to institutions in North Carolina receiving federal financial assistance.

Why Choose James Scott Farrin as Your North Carolina Personal Injury Lawyer

Our compassionate attorneys have the experience to help you. Since 1997, we’ve helped more than 73,000 people recover more than $2 billion in total compensation.1 Our mission is to help as many people as possible – we even have a You-First Policy! That means we put you first in every decision we make including our contingency fee arrangement: you pay no upfront costs, no retainer fees, no hourly fees – and no attorney’s fee at all if we don’t recover compensation for you. Guaranteed.2

Best Law Firm 2025 LogoOur firm was named to the prestigious 2025 “Best Law Firms” list by Best Lawyers in America – our 10th consecutive year being honored.4

We are here to help you. Call us at 1-866-900-7078 or contact us online today for a free, no obligation case evaluation.

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