Roundup & Cancer: What You Need to Know

Did you develop cancer after using Roundup weed killer? We can review your case and let you know if you may be eligible for compensation.

Class Action Lawyers Investigating Roundup Cancer Claims

As has been suspected for decades, the weed killer, Roundup, may be lethal to more than merely weeds.

After more than four decades in use as a weed killer across the globe, internal Monsanto documents have surfaced that show Monsanto has known for years that Roundup could cause cancer.

If you have developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, b-cell lymphoma, leukemia, or other forms of cancer after using the weed killer, Roundup, contact us immediately or call 1-866-900-7078. You may be eligible for compensation.

In 2018, a jury awarded a terminally ill California groundskeeper $289.2 million in a landmark lawsuit claiming the company’s weed killer Roundup causes cancer.

We are investigating class action claims against Roundup’s manufacturer, Monsanto. Thousands of Roundup users are filing lawsuits alleging that they have developed many forms of cancer and other life-altering health conditions as a result of using Roundup.

Monsanto, Roundup, & Decades of Deception

In the 1970s, Monsanto developed the herbicide glyphosate (“Roundup”) to kill weeds that compete with and inhibit crop production.

Here is how Roundup works to kill weeds – and why Monsanto has been able to cry “safe” for decades. There is a “surfactant” in the Roundup solution that causes the glyphosate to stick to the leaves. This stickiness gives the glyphosate an enhanced ability to block a key electron exchange in chlorophyll during photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is how plants use sunlight to turn carbon dioxide into energy (food and life). In simplistic terms, Monsanto claimed glyphosate was safe to humans, based partly on the fact that humans do not photosynthesize.

Early on, Roundup was primarily used to “spot treat” weeds that choked off crop yields, and was so effective that it soon became a cash crop, itself, for the agri-giant.

But it seems Monsanto was not satisfied with the millions in revenues from “spot treating.” In the 1990s, the company developed genetically modified seeds that were not only resistant to pests and other invaders, but also resistant to Roundup. Instead of spot treating the weeds within crops, this new money-making development allowed farmers to saturate Roundup across thousands of acres of GMO crops without worrying about destroying them. Largely as a result of the Roundup-resistant GMO crops, by 2007, Roundup became the most widely used weed killer in the history of our nation’s agriculture – and the world.

Few are immune to these GMOs. According to Rhode Island Senator Donna Nesselbush, 75% of conventionally processed foods contain GMOs.

In 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) study found glyphosate in farmers’ urine and blood, chromosome damage in cells, increased risks of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in some exposed individuals, and tumor formation in some animals.

After the IARC study, 17 of the world’s top cancer researchers unanimously voted to elevate the cancer profile of glyphosate on behalf of WHO, and the IARC now classifies glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans.”

Potentially Billions in Roundup Lawsuit Damages – Decades of Lawsuits Likely

The 2018 groundbreaking $289.2 million lawsuit is just the beginning.

Cary Gillam, an investigative journalist and author of the book, Whitewash, that details Monsanto’s Roundup history and the revelations uncovered in its internal records, told FOX Business:

“The case is historic. It is the first time secrets from within Monsanto have been laid bare in a public court of law for all to scrutinize,” Gillam says. “Monsanto is facing a flood of thousands of additional lawsuits with several trials already scheduled over the next several months.”

As thousands more victims fall in line to file suit, Monsanto could be in court for decades. The cost to Monsanto and Bayer (the pharmaceutical company that bought Monsanto in 2018) could reach hundreds of millions – if not billions – of dollars in damages.

NC Class Action Lawyers Investigating Roundup Claims

The attorneys at the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin are investigating potential Roundup claims.

If you have developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, b-cell lymphoma, leukemia, or other forms of cancer after using Roundup, contact us immediately or call 1-866-900-7078. You may be eligible for compensation that can potentially cover:

  • Medical costs
  • Temporary and permanent physical injuries
  • Time out of work
  • Potentially other expenses related to your cancer diagnosis

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The Law Offices of James Scott Farrin is facilitating Roundup cases nationwide. We consult with a national network of attorneys to try to provide the best representation for clients. If we feel it is in your best interests and you agree, we may refer your matter to another associate.
