Meet Salima H.

Salima H. was going to pick her cousin up from the hospital when the car she was riding in was rear-ended at a red light.

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How Our Firm Helped a Client Who Was Rear-Ended1

Ironically, Salima H. was going to pick her cousin up from the hospital when the car she was riding in was rear-ended at a red light.

Concerned about her mother — the driver — Salima didn’t seek medical attention for her painful shoulder until the next day, when she woke up and found she was unable to move her arm. She took a sick day from her job as a nursing assistant and returned to the emergency room. They took x-rays and told her to see an orthopedic doctor in the next day or so.

“When I went to see the orthopedic doctor, he let me know I had some damage to my rotator cuff and even when it started to feel better it was always going to have problems,” she said.

The doctor scheduled her for several weeks of physical therapy and she had to miss about three weeks of work. The bills started to add up.

“The therapies, the physical therapies, the chiropractor, things like that, and the time off from work. We (my mother and me) realized that there were a lot of bills racking up and we really couldn’t just pay out of our pockets. We figured the best thing was just to seek some type of (legal) counseling,” Salima said.

Hiring Our Law Firm Was the Right Decision

Salima felt comfortable hiring the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin because her aunt had previously used the firm for her own accident case. She had nothing but good things to say about her lawyer and the work he did.

“He was very friendly. It felt like we were dealing with someone we had known for quite some time,” she said. “Whenever we did have questions, it was very easy to get in contact with him and to get our answers.

“I would say the best reason to call James Scott Farrin is that you will be represented by someone you feel understands and is respectful of your opinions,” she said.

Salima characterized the firm’s best trait as its effectiveness.

“Effectiveness would definitely be a top quality,” she said.

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