Common Workers’ Compensation Questions & Concerns
Our N.C. workers’ compensation attorneys handle many different types of workers’ comp cases and advocate for injured workers daily.
Workers’ Compensation Questions? We Have Answers.
If you are injured on the job, you may be entitled to benefits, including a portion of your lost wages. This is generally true even if you were at fault, according to North Carolina workers’ compensation law.
Unfortunately, your employer and the insurance company are not on your side when you are injured. They’re protecting their interests. To protect your interests, it’s wise to contact a North Carolina workers’ compensation attorney.
Below are some common workers’ compensation questions and concerns, along with information and answers you can rely on as you seek maximum compensation.
Does North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Only Cover Your Medical Bills?
In North Carolina, workers’ compensation generally provides payment of medical expenses and some wage loss benefits for injured workers. If you qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, you are entitled to have medical treatment related to your work injury provided by your employer or their workers’ compensation insurance carrier. You also may be entitled to certain wage loss benefits while you are unable to work because of your injury.
If you need help with the workers’ compensation system after your injury at work, we can put our experience and resources to work for you. Call 1-866-900-7078 or contact us online today for a free case evaluation.
Do You Have Concerns About Your Job?
You may be facing sensitive and complex difficulties related to your work, such as:
- You are being forced to return to work before you are ready to do so.
- You are being forced to go back to a “made-up” position that offers no dignity, job security, or enjoyment.
- Your employer promised if you return to work he would accommodate your medical needs, but has failed to do so.
These are common sources of conflict between employers and injured workers. If something feels off, trust your instincts.
Are You Worried About Your Medical Care and Health?
Is your insurance company-provided medical care insufficient, or is your health not being made a priority? Get a free case evaluation from an experienced attorney if one of these scenarios describe you:
- You are unhappy with the medical provider the insurance company selected and you don’t know how to petition the North Carolina Industrial Commission (NCIC) for a new medical team or second opinion.
- Your vocational rehabilitation (voc rehab) plan doesn’t train you for the type of well-paid job you can handle, because there is low-level work (inside or outside the company) that you can do without additional training.
- Your doctor says you can’t lift heavy objects due to a knee injury, back injury, or shoulder injury, but your employer expects you to push/pull heavy carts – which can be just as dangerous and detrimental to your recovery.
These and other types of medical care and health concerns should be fully considered when you are injured at work. Remember, your employer and their insurer are looking out for their best interests. An attorney prioritizes you and your needs (both present and future).
Do You Know What Benefits You Are Entitled to?
While you may not be knowledgeable about various types of workers’ comp benefits, you can safely assume that your employer’s insurance company is – but that does not necessarily mean you’ll receive all you may qualify for.
When it comes to workers’ comp benefits, the following types of situations are ones we often help injured workers navigate:
- You worry about paying for potential future needs, such as a knee replacement or other orthopedic surgery.
- You worry that the carrier may stop your weekly workers’ compensation checks because you briefly returned to work.
- Your N.C. workers’ compensation benefits have been terminated and you believe it’s improper.
- Your N.C. workers’ compensation checks are not arriving consistently or on time.
If you are facing any of these issues — we understand.
These are the types of issues the North Carolina workers’ compensation lawyers at the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin work on every day. Our experienced workers’ comp team helps protect your rights and helps you fight for weekly benefits and timely medical care.
Contact the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin for Peace of Mind
We understand that a weekly check can be the lifeline for an injured person’s family. One of our top priorities is to try to prevent the insurance company from stopping these checks prematurely.
Our North Carolina workers’ compensation team includes two former NCIC commissioners, as well as attorneys and paralegals who previously worked for insurance companies. We understand the tactics that “the other side” often employ when a workers’ comp claim is made – and how to counter them.
We also have several workers’ compensation attorneys who are North Carolina State Bar Board Certified Specialists in workers’ compensation law – the highest level of legal specialization available in North Carolina.
We are here to fight for your rights! Call now at 1-866-900-7078, chat with us, or contact us online for a free case evaluation. Tell them you mean business!
For legal reasons and client confidentiality, reviews have been slightly edited to remove identifying information and correct typos.